Make an excursion report for the yearbook

Excursion reports should not be missing from a yearbook. They are, of course, a wonderful reminder for all students who experienced the excursions themselves when they pick up the yearbook again in a few years' time. But friends and family are also happy to get a glimpse of everyday school life. Because they shouldn't miss it either.

How do you write a really good excursion report? Report, that sounds so down-to-earth. But a report doesn't have to be sober and dry. It is not about a summary or summing up of your excursion. Instead, there is room for all the questionable incidents, funny moments, shared experiences, the trip ... simply everything that makes your excursion special. The following points can help you write a really good excursion report:

  • Make a list of the real highlights of the excursion.
  • Collect the funniest experiences.
  • Which memorable quotes have you remembered? You can use the best ones as a title for the excursion report.
  • Don't forget the photos. A picture of all the members should be included, but nice snapshots of the time we spent together are also important. They reflect the feeling that prevailed during the excursion.

From all the material and information, you then compile your excursion report.