
What is a report? You've probably noticed it several times when flipping through the pages of a magazine: a report. One or more double-page spreads filled with lots of colourful photos that make you curious. The title immediately catches your eye and you start reading. In the text, the reporter vividly tells you about an exciting experience, such as how he climbed Machu Picchu, ran his first marathon or solved an exciting criminal case. That's when it happens: You have fallen under the spell of report. Why do we find reports so exciting? The secret of report is its special perspective: in a magazine or a newspaper, you will find mainly informative articles that present facts and events in a neutral way. In a report, on the other hand, the author describes from his own perspective how he experienced a situation or a special event. In this way, he also reflects how he himself and others involved think and feel about the event, and he researches the background of the event. The reader should get the feeling that he or she was there - that is the goal of the report. In the makerspace you can fill your own magazine with a report.

Two things are important for your report to be a success:

  • The text that takes the reader on a journey of discovery
  • The design, which makes the reader curious about the text

The text structure of a report

  • Introduction that intrigues the readers and prepares them for what the report is about.
  • First section that introduces the readers to the topic and the main characters (e.g. the bride and groom Hannah and Malte).
  • Further sections in which the readers learn more about the topic, little stories are told and background information can be found.

The design of a report
Not only the content, but also the visual design of the report is important. After all, the report should stand out and invite the reader to read on. In the makerspace you will find everything you need to design an original layout.
This includes the following:

  • Good photos uploaded to the makerspace.
  • Fonts: plain fonts for the body text, eye-catching fonts for the headline, and maybe a medium font for highlighted quotes.
  • Colours that match the rest of the magazine and its theme.

Magazine templates make the designing easy
To make designing your report as easy as possible, the makerspace provides you with many different professional magazine templates on a wide range of topics, which you can adapt to your own ideas (colour, fonts, elements).