Best memories magazine

Capture your best memories in a magazine

There are moments in life that are so beautiful that you want to cherish them for ever, encounters, trips, celebrations, excursions, friendships ... These are precious moments and times that you experience together with other people. These exist only once. You should hold on to them, right? You can do that, for example, with a beautiful memory magazine. A memory magazine preserves your most beautiful memories in the form of photos and texts in a self-designed magazine. Like a photo album, it contains more than just pictures and letters, but precious personal feelings and thoughts that you simply love to remember and relive.

Gift for a loved one or for yourself

A memory magazine is also a great gift: for example, for an anniversary with your partner, for your child's first birthday, for the grandparents or for the child itself later. But also for yourself, a memory magazine about a special vacation or a phase of life is a precious treasure chest that you can open at any time to remember.

Memory magazine content ideas

There's room for anything you want in a memory magazine. Thoughts, poems, stories, lists, song lyrics, etc. Photos are also very important, of course. Look through your memory cards and hard drives for your treasures. For some experiences there may be no or only a few photos. In this case, it is even more important to put the memories into words. It's also a great idea to scan or photograph mementos such as children's drawings, tickets, napkins, notes, etc. and then include them in your magazine as jpg files.

How to create your own memory magazine

Before you start designing, it makes sense to come up with a concept: What content do you want to include in the magazine? Which content needs how much space? For which topics are photo-only pages suitable? Do you also want to write longer texts, for example a report? When your concept is ready, take a look at our beautiful templates in the makerspace and choose which layout you like best. This can come from a birthday newspaper, a wedding newspaper, a business magazine or even from a graduation newspaper. Then take this as a basis and adapt colors, fonts and decorative elements. If you have fun and enjoy being really creative yourself, then why not design a completely new layout for your memory magazine?