Birthday best friend

Make a personal magazine as a gift

A special birthday gift for your best friend

Your best friend is the person in the world who knows you best, who is always there for you and knows all your wishes and secrets. When that special person has their birthday, it's time for something special. And if anyone deserves and appreciates a personal and individual gift, it is your best friend. Have you ever thought of getting her her own personalised magazine for her birthday? You know her well and you know what she likes. You probably also know which of the many magazines on the newsstand she likes best? If so, you could base the layout of her birthday magazine on it, or use a few sections of it in your magazine.

Contents of the birthday magazine for your best friend

In your best friend's birthday magazine, there is plenty of room for a page telling her what you appreciate and think is great about her. Another great idea is an account of your last big holiday or a photo page about your childhood together. Has your girlfriend often asked for your secret recipe for banana bread? - You can print it out for her here. Would you like to spend more time with her again? - Then put coupons in the birthday magazine: for a gourmet breakfast at your place, for a trip to the seaside or to help her tidy up her wardrobe. Are you creative and do you like stories? - Then write down a personal story about how you met her.

Layout of the magazine

You can design the layout of your magazine all by yourself from a blank canvas or use one of the beautiful magazine templates in the makerspace.

Good preparation

Take more than a few days to put this together. Plan enough time for collecting ideas and for realising them. In the preparation phase, it is best to use a notebook in which you write down all your hunches, thoughts and ideas. The best of these, the essence, can then be applied to your birthday magazine. Allow enough time for printing and delivery. It would be a shame if the gift arrived too late.

Special tip

Don't have the time, inclination or ideas to make the birthday magazine yourself? Then invite friends and/or family to help design the magazine. You can easily collaborate online.