Make a crossword puzzle

Make a crossword puzzle

Are you busy making a magazine and would you like to add more variety? Have you ever thought of creating a crossword puzzle to put in your magazine? On the Internet you can generate your own crossword puzzle easily and for free. Create a fun crossword puzzle about the bride and groom-to-be, the birthday boy or a subject that ties in with the magazine you are producing. If, for example, your magazine is about fashion, you can create a crossword puzzle with concepts from the fashion world.

About the crossword puzzle
A crossword puzzle is enormously popular in newspapers and magazines. By filling in the letters of words in a pattern of boxes, the puzzle can be solved. The answers can be given by means of descriptions.

Did you know that the longest word ever found in a crossword puzzle is:


This 58-letter word is the name of a village in Wales, Great Britain.

The crossword puzzle is a nice addition to your magazine. Suppose that you are making a magazine as a birthday present for one of your relatives or friends, then you could make a crossword puzzle about that person. Another option is to create a crossword puzzle about the future bride and groom. There is also a template for this in the makerspace that you can use. You can easily create your own crossword puzzle here.


  1. Education
    Are you a pupil and do you work on a magazine with classmates? If you are making a magazine about fashion, you can make a crossword puzzle with words that have to do with that theme. For example: fashion designer, posing, cotton, etc..
    See an example below.


  1. Marriage
    You can also do a crossword puzzle about the bride and groom-to-be. With questions like: where did the bride and groom first meet and what is the name of the bride's father? See below for an example.
