An interview with the bride and groom

for your wedding magazine

Interview the bride and groom for the wedding magazine

An interview with the bride and groom in a wedding creation is something wonderful and offers many possibilities: It can be funny, romantic and also include a few naughty questions. It all depends on the bride and groom, the style of the wedding magazine, and of course, you. A wedding creation should be a great reminder for the bride and groom of their big day, but also entertain and amuse the guests, such as when the couple is out with the photographer. The readers of your wedding magazine know the bride and groom - they are relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors.... - but they don't know everything. That's why an interview with the bride and groom in the wedding magazine is so particularly interesting for them. Here they can learn new things, maybe even some revealed secrets....

Good preparation is (almost) everything

Before you do the interview, you should prepare well and think about the questions. They should be questions to which you will get the most exciting answers possible, which will interest your readers and which they don't know yet. Unexpected questions are also more fun for the bride and groom. Only you can decide which questions suit "your" bride and groom. Some are happy about cheeky questions and give the appropriate cheeky answers, some others feel thereby on the tail stepped and is even hurt in the worst case. So be equally sensitive and creative in developing your interview questions.
You can read a mix of classic, imaginative and a bit of cheeky questions in our example. You can find the template in Makerspace under "Just married". Feel free to use it as inspiration when putting together your own ideas. To make the interview as funny and interesting as possible, you should ask the bride and groom the same or slightly adapted and modified questions - separately, of course.

Another tip: Don't think about more than five to ten questions you want to ask. Otherwise, the interview will be too long.

How to ask the questions

If you have the opportunity, you can interview the bride and groom in person by asking them your questions individually. You can also email your questions to both of them with brief instructions (e.g., "Please answer in one sentence." or "Answer in bullet points only."). Don't forget to ask both of them to keep the answers confidential and to give you a deadline by which you would like to have them back. The questions and the answers to the bride and groom can then be compared on one page in your wedding newspaper, as in our example here. Alternatively, you can use a double page spread. This way, readers can compare the couple's different answers right away.


Need more ideas for your wedding magazine content? Click here.


If you have any questions about designing or printing your wedding magazine/book, we will be happy to help you. Contact our support via email, Whatsapp, Facebook or just call us the old fashioned way 😊 We are here for you.
